WFOT Resources and Assistance to Establish Organisational Membership

WFOT can aid with the advancement of occupational therapy for organisations wishing to establish membership in the Federation.

For more information regarding the assistance described below, please send an email to [email protected].

Key resources available from the WFOT website include:

  1. WFOT Requirements for Organisational Constitutions – Information regarding requirements for WFOT approval of organisational constitutions.
  2. Become a Member Organisation - Information regarding the application process for each category of WFOT organisational membership.
  1. WFOT Minimum Standards for the Education of Occupational Therapists – Information regarding standards for education programmes requesting approval by WFOT
  2. WFOT Occupational Therapy Education Programme Approval: Guidelines for Submission for the First Approval of an Education Programme in a Country – Information regarding the process for review and approval of education programmes by WFOT
  3. Development of a New Occupational Therapy Entry-level Education Programme - Information and advice for the establishment of new education programmes for occupational therapists.
  1. WFOT Statutes – The document outlines the governance structure of WFOT, including organisational membership categories

WFOT can assist with providing access to the occupational therapy community through links to:

  1. Occupational Therapy International Online Network (OTION)
  2. National, regional and international professional organisations
  3. Occupational therapy education programmes

Upon request, WFOT can put you in contact with persons or groups who have been identified as key stakeholders and provide letters of endorsement.

Upon request, WFOT representatives can consult and meet with:

  • Government ministries (e.g. ministry of health, ministry of education)
  • Educational organisations (e.g. universities)
  • User groups
  • Potential funders
  • Potential employers

Please note that funding for WFOT visits is the responsibility of the applicant organisation.