
WFOT is a federation of national and regional occupational therapy organisations with a robust, accountable and transparent governance structure.

The governance of WFOT includes a General Assembly made up of official Delegates from each Member Organisation. Each delegate is supported by an Alternate Delegate and in some instances, a 2nd Alternate Delegate.

From the General Assembly, a leadership team is elected to form the WFOT Board of Directors. The Board is composed of the President, President Elect, Director Education, Director Finance, Director Practice, Director Research, Member at Large in addition to a non-elected Executive Director (ex-officio). The Board is responsible for the strategic leadership and management of the organisation.

Every two years the WFOT Board and the official Delegates of the Member Organisations meet at a formal General Assembly Meeting to govern the responsibilities and strategic direction of the Federation.

The Board holds meetings virtually in the intervening year and meet in person immediately prior to the General Assembly meeting to review and progress the agreed work of the Federation. Reports on past EMT and Council Meetings can be accessed via this link.

WFOT governance responsibilities include:

  • Advising directors and officers on director duties and the organisation’s constitution.
  • Advising the General Assembly on corporate governance principles and the implementation of governance programmes and risk management frameworks.
  • Developing, implementing, communicating and maintaining governance, risk and compliance policies, processes and procedures.
  • Maintaining the corporate structure.
  • Maintaining and increasing membership.
  • Carrying out the instructions of the General Assembly.
  • Development of the strategic plan.
  • Implementing the corporate strategy (including giving effect to General Assembly decisions).
  • Ensuring corporate accountability by communicating with the organisation's stakeholders and broader community.
  • Ensuring effective communication within the General Assembly.
  • Liaising between member organisations, individual members and the General Assembly.
  • Managing General Assembly and Activities administration.
  • Preparing meetings, agendas and minutes (for example, for General Assembly and Board Meetings)
  • Assisting with the induction of the Board members and Delegates.
  • Hiring and performance management of the Executive Director position.
  • Facilitating professional development programmes for the Board and General Assembly.
  • Reviewing the performance of WFOT in relation to the strategic plan.
  • Advising on intellectual property asset management (for example patents, trademarks, business & domain names).
  • Advising on relevant financial issues (accounting, finance, asset management)
  • Monitoring organisational investments.
  • Advising (where required) on environmental issues.
  • Advising on privacy legislation.
  • Communicating with external advisers (legal, accounting etc) and corporate representatives.
  • Managing seals and document execution.
  • Undertaking general administration and asset management functions.
  • Overseeing document retention and management.