About Us

WFOT is the official international organisation representing the occupational therapy profession. We set the standard for occupational therapy education internationally and promote excellence in research and practice.

WFOT is a global network of 111 member organisations, representing 633,000 occupational therapists.

As a worldwide body we represent the occupational therapy profession in its role of improving world health and wellbeing. We collaborate with many partners in our work and have been in official relations with the World Health Organization since 1959.

We raise awareness for the profession and provide a platform to celebrate and exchange the diversity of our members.

WFOT enables engaged, meaningful lives, for everyone by advancing occupational therapy excellence.

WFOT advances global health and wellbeing through the development, use and practice of occupational therapy.

Occupational therapy is accessible to all.

Pillar 1: Leading as the global professional association for occupational therapy

• Accountable and transparent governance processes

• Strategic communication and engagement

• Preservation of WFOT history

• Financial strength and stability

• Organisational responsibility and integrity

• Effective collaboration with member organisations

Pillar 2: Advocating for health and wellbeing through occupational engagement

• Anticipatory planning, preparedness and action.

• Collaborative networks and initiatives

• Leadership and advocacy development

Pillar 3: Furthering access to occupational therapy

• Workforce strategy development

• Data collection and analysis

• Identification of workforce needs and demands

• Member Organisation capacity and sustainability

Pillar 4: Advancing and promoting occupational therapy

• Education standards and quality

• Professional development

• Development and use of research evidence

• Quality and ethical practice

• Awareness of the profession

• Awards and recognition

1. Occupational therapy has a valuable contribution to make to occupational engagement as it affects the health and well-being of people.

2. The Federation can positively influence health, welfare, education and vocation at an international level.

3. The effectiveness of the Federation depends on its contribution to and collaboration with other international organisations.

4. The Federation can positively influence the development of excellence within the profession.

5. The effectiveness of the Federation depends on it being responsive to the professional needs, issues and requirements of members.

6. The Federation must be built on co-operation, high ethical standards, cultural sensitivity and mutual respect at all levels.

7. The Federation engages in political activities and advocacy in matters directly related to its purposes. It will not take a position on a political agenda of any particular national or international party, or of any nation(s), unless it relates to the Federation’s purposes

8. The success of the Federation is dependent on the development and maintenance of a strong unified leadership of the WFOT General Assembly.

9. Our members are our most important assets.