Individual Member Registration

Step 1: Enter your membership details

To become an individual member of the WFOT you must first be a member of a professional occupational therapy association that is a Member Organisation of the WFOT. In some associations, WFOT Individual Membership is included in the association subscription. In others, members need to specifically purchase WFOT Individual Membership through their association.

To find out if WFOT Individual membership is included in your association subscription, please go to the list of WFOT Member Organisations.

If WFOT Individual Membership is included in your association subscription or if you have purchased a WFOT Individual membership through your association and would now like to activate your WFOT account, simply select your association below and enter your last name and membership number.

If WFOT Individual Membership is not included in your association subscription or if you have not purchased a WFOT Individual membership through your association, please contact your association directly to join WFOT.

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