Our Work

WFOT engages in activities and initiatives to meet the aims and objectives for the organisation. The work is often carried out in collaboration with volunteer project team leaders and members.


We are enabling excellence in occupational therapy and promoting its global growth and development.

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We provide an international voice for occupational therapy by advocating on behalf of the profession and supporting the advocacy efforts of our members.

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Workforce development

We are building access to occupational therapy services, following the WFOT Global Strategy for the Occupational Therapy Workforce.

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WFOT Congress

We host an international Congress every four years to provide an opportunity to share the latest occupational therapy research, network with peers from around the world and meet with exhibitors to view products and services that support practice.

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Professional support

We have developed a number of resources designed to support occupational therapists and occupational therapy students and assistants in the areas of occupational therapy practice, research and education.

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