Other Supporting Organisations

Contributing Member Organisation:

OT Service

Other organisations can support WFOT by joining as Affiliate or Contributing members.

Affiliate: Affiliate Membership is open to occupational therapy organisations interested in the development of occupational therapy and wishing to be affiliated with WFOT. Members of the occupational therapy organisation must be:

  • Qualified occupational therapists / occupational therapy assistants;
  • Members of their National Association; and
  • Individual Members of WFOT.

This is a non-voting category.

Contributing: Contributing Membership is open to non-occupational therapy organisations wishing to support the Federation and interested in the development of occupational therapy.

This is a non-voting category.

Please see below how your organisation can apply for Affiliate or Contributing Organisational Membership:

To join WFOT as an Affiliate Member Organisation, it is necessary to complete the online WFOT Affiliate Organisational Membership Application Form via this link. A preview version of the form can be downloaded here.

To join WFOT as a Contributing Member Organisation, it is necessary to complete the online WFOT Contributing Organisational Membership Application Form via this link. A preview version of the form can be downloaded here.