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WFOT Elections 2024 Outcomes

Following an online election held on the 19 June 2024, the following Board Directors were elected:

President: Samantha Shann (United Kingdom)

President Elect: Tecla Mlambo (Zimbabwe)

Board Director Education: Kee Hean Lim (United Kingdom)

Board Director Finance: Athena Yi-Jung Tsai (Taiwan)

Board Director Practice: Andrew Freeman (Canada)

They will form part of the WFOT board together with:

Board Director Research: Lynette Mackenzie (Australia)

Member at Large: to be appointed

Executive Director (ex-officio): Ritchard Ledgerd (United Kingdom)

Thank you to all the nominees who participated in the election process. Congratulations to the successful candidates.

Sincere gratitude to the outgoing members of the previous Executive Management Team: Margarita Gonzalez (Vice President) and Tracey Partridge-Tricker (Vice President Finance) for their commitment and support to the Federation over the years spent in their respective roles.