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News from Member Organisations September 2024 - Canada

Canada Sept 24

CAOT’s “Ask for OT” Petition Exceeds Expectations

CAOT has seen an overwhelmingly positive reaction to its “Ask for OT” petition on Change.org as part of a bilingual campaign to encourage more conversations about ensuring that occupational therapy is covered as part of health benefits. To date, the petition has exceeded its target and received more than 4,600 signatures.

In Canada, occupational therapy services are available through extended health benefits that are sporadic at best, leaving many with little to no coverage. These services play an important role in reducing the costs of workplace illness, injury, and mental health. In addition, other health professionals may not refer individuals to occupational therapy services due to concerns about the financial implications for their clients/patients.

The petition, which showcases real-life stories of Canadians who have been unable access occupational therapy, is giving people a way to show their support for the need for occupational therapy services to be included within extended health benefits plans.

CAOT believes that Canadians deserve access to high-quality healthcare support and services, whether that be in community settings or through their workplace benefits. There is a need to increase the limits for coverage while expanding the range of practitioners covered under benefit plans. For more information, visit the website. Available in English and French.
