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News from Member Organisations June 2024 - Saudi Arabia

Empowered" “ "مُتمكنcampaign was initiated to mark World Autism Day, aiming to enhance public understanding of the vital role occupational therapy plays in supporting individuals with autism.

"Empowered" was meticulously planned and executed in two phases to maximize impact and outreach.

Phase 1: Educational Workshop


In collaboration with Bridge Clinics, SOTA organized a specialized workshop focusing on the integration of occupational therapy in autism care. The workshop was held to enrich the knowledge and practical skills of 18 occupational therapy students. It featured presentations by five seasoned occupational therapists who shared insights and real-world experiences, significantly fostering the students’ practical understanding of the subject

Phase 2: Public Awareness Campaign


Following the educational segment, the campaign shifted focus towards broader public engagement. This was conducted at Riyadh Park in collaboration with the Inaya Health Association. The awareness drive comprised six informational booths, each manned by volunteers, primarily students in occupational therapy and interns. Over 45 volunteers participated, dedicating a combined total of 36 volunteering hours to the initiative. This setup not only facilitated direct community interaction but also allowed for extensive dissemination of informational content related to autism and occupational therapy.

The dual-phased approach of the "Empowered" campaign successfully cultivated a deeper understanding among future occupational therapists and raised public awareness about autism and the benefits of occupational therapy. The collaboration with Bridge Clinics and the Inaya Health Association proved instrumental in reaching a wide audience, thus amplifying the campaign's impact. "Empowered" not only educated but also connected communities, paving the way for greater inclusivity and support for individuals with autism.