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News from Member Organisations June 2024 - New Zealand

News from Aotearoa / New Zealand

This month we wanted to share one of the many varied roles that Occupational Therapists have in Aotearoa / New Zealand.

We hope you enjoy reading about OTNZ-WNA member Leigh Jupp’s work.


' Working as an OT) in New Zealand's Vocational Rehabilitation sector offers a challenging and rewarding career. New Zealand is unique that majority of return to work claims are managed by a government organization ACC as well as other third party insurers. Vocational Rehabilitation OT’s facilitate the return to work process for physical and mental injuries or impairments. An OT works closely with the client, employer and case managers. They assess their workplace to gain an understanding of their work tasks and environment, plan a graduated return to work plan in line with MDT, specialists, and GP input. OT’s order equipment/Assistive devices to aid the return to work. The return to work plan would be monitored by the Occupational Therapist and adjusted accordingly for the duration of the return to work period and offer holistic navigation and support. Vocational Rehabilitation OT’s in NZ also perform workstation assessments. Written and verbal communication, task and activity analysis, observation skills, report writing, mediation skills, use of therapeutic self , organization skills, problem solving and multitasking is imperative for this role.'

In other news: Become an Occupational Therapy Star in New Zealand

Check out our website the OTNZ-WNA website which includes information on our 2024 Clinical Workshops event In Hamilton, New Zealand, October 23-25th . Clinical Workshops | OTNZ - WNA (otnzwna.co.nz)

The New Zealand Delegates (Dan & Christine ) are hoping to speak to our members about all things WFOT including all of you wonderful people and your wonderful associations. We will be offering an opportunity for each member association to provide a short 1-2 min video so you can share a little bit about Occupational Therapy in your country. Watch out for communications through the delegates exchange on the delegates hub.

Nga Mihi / Thank you kindly,