Working in Norway
General Information
Number of occupational therapists in Norway
In Norway , the term "occupational therapist" is also referred to as
Main language(s) spoken in Norway
Occupational therapists are required to register with a federal/national organisation to practice
Information and application from Directorat of Health: https://helsedirektoratet.no/english/authorisation-and-license-for-health-personnel (External) ↗
Occupational therapists are required to register with a state/regional organisation to practice
It is compulsory to join the Norwegian Association of Occupational Therapists in order to practice as an occupational therapist
Practicing Requirements
Graduation from a WFOT approved programme is required to register to practice
Usually. However all OTs educated in EU-countries are accepted due to agreements by European ministers of education and research
Language(s) that are required for occupational therapists to practice
Ability to speak Norwegian is not required by the national authorities, although in practice employers normally requires speaking and /or written knowledge of Norwegian
Additional requirements for occupational therapists to practice
Yes, there are some additional requirements for occupational therapists who wish to practice in Norway. Besides being authorized by the Norwegian Directorate of Health, it may be necessary to have professional liability insurance, especially if operating a private practice. This ensures that both the therapist and the patients are protected in case of malpractice or accidents.
https://info.altinn.no/en/forms-overview/The-Norwegian-Directorate-of-Health-approval-of-foreign-professional-qualifications/occupational-therapist-/ (External) ↗
https://info.altinn.no/en/forms-overview/The-Norwegian-Directorate-of-Health-approval-of-foreign-professional-qualifications/occupational-therapist-/ (External) ↗
Employment Opportunities
Occupational therapy is recognised as a shortage occupation
Yes, there is a shortage of occupational therapists in Norway. According to Statistics Norway (SSB), this shortage is expected to increase in the future. SSB estimates that there will be a shortage of around 1,100 occupational therapists by 2040. This is due to factors such as an aging population and increased demand for occupational therapy services.
https://ergoterapeutene.org/nyheter/ssb-forventer-enda-storre-mangel-av-ergoterapeuter-frem-mot-2040/ (External) ↗
https://ergoterapeutene.org/nyheter/ssb-forventer-enda-storre-mangel-av-ergoterapeuter-frem-mot-2040/ (External) ↗
Sources of information for occupational therapist employment opportunities
Immigration regulations or visa requirements to practice
Norwegian Directorate of Immigration
Telephone: +47 23 35 16 00
E-mail: [email protected]
Web-page: http://www.udi.no (External) ↗
Telephone: +47 23 35 16 00
E-mail: [email protected]
Web-page: http://www.udi.no (External) ↗
Occupational Therapy Assistants
Occupational therapy assistants exist in Norway
Disclaimer: This information was provided by Norwegian Association of Occupational Therapists and was last updated on 25th September 2024. WFOT is not liable for any inaccuracies, omissions, or changes in the information provided. This information is intended as a guide and should be independently verified before making any decisions.
Definition of Occupational Therapy in Norway
Norwegian Association of Occupational Therapists's definition of occupational therapy in own language
Ergoterapeuter fremmer helse gjennom aktivitet. Målet er mestring av ønskede og nødvendige aktiviteter, deltakelse, tilhørighet og tilfredshet i hjem, skole, arbeid og fritid. Ergoterapeuten anvender aktiviteter direkte i behandling og opptrening, og indirekte ved å tilrettelegge for gjøremål gjennom tilpasning av omgivelser og bruk av tekniske hjelpemidler.
Norwegian Association of Occupational Therapists's definition of occupational therapy in English
Occupational therapists promote health through activity. The goal is to master desired and necessary activities, participation, belonging, and satisfaction in home, school, work, and leisure. The occupational therapist uses activities directly in treatment and training, and indirectly by facilitating tasks through environmental adaptations and the use of assistive technology.
Definition date: January 2020
Ergoterapeuten is the professional journal published by the Norwegian Occupational Therapy Association. It is released six times a year, both in print and as an e-magazine. The journal focuses on occupational therapy-related content, organizational matters, and health and social policy.
Education Programmes
WFOT Approved Programmes in Norway