
Working in Lebanon
General Information
Number of occupational therapists in Lebanon
In Lebanon , the term "occupational therapist" is also referred to as
Occupational therapist or ergotherapist
Main language(s) spoken in Lebanon
Other languages commonly spoken in Lebanon
Occupational therapists are required to register with a federal/national organisation to practice
Occupational therapists are required to register with a state/regional organisation to practice
Must register with the Ministry of Health
It is compulsory to join the Lebanese Occupational Therapists Syndicate in order to practice as an occupational therapist
Practicing Requirements
Graduation from a WFOT approved programme is required to register to practice
Must be graduates of either Lebanese University or Saint Joseph University
Language(s) that are required for occupational therapists to practice
Arabic, French
English is a plus
Additional requirements for occupational therapists to practice
Registered with the Ministry of Health
Employment Opportunities
Occupational therapy is recognised as a shortage occupation
Unfortunately, many OT positions are often given to psychomotor therapists.
Sources of information for occupational therapist employment opportunities
Through the national association what's app group or via email and recruiting agencies
Immigration regulations or visa requirements to practice
Occupational Therapy Assistants
Occupational therapy assistants exist in Lebanon
Disclaimer: This information was provided by Lebanese Occupational Therapists Syndicate and was last updated on 11th February 2025. WFOT is not liable for any inaccuracies, omissions, or changes in the information provided. This information is intended as a guide and should be independently verified before making any decisions.
Definition of Occupational Therapy in Lebanon
Lebanese Occupational Therapists Syndicate's definition of occupational therapy in own language
هي مهنة في الحقل الطبي الحليف ترتكز على توفير التدخل العلاجي التأهيلي الملائم لك لتعزيز قدرتك على القيام بكافة أنشطتك اليومية، وأداء أدوارك الحياتية، بشكل آمن ومستقل.
كذلك تهتم هذه المهنة بتكييف البيئة الفيزيائية والثقافية والتنظيمية المحيطة بك بشكل يتلائم واحتياجاتك لتسهيل انخراطك في محيطك الإجتماعي وتفعيل مشاركتك على كافة الأصعدة الحياتية.
Lebanese Occupational Therapists Syndicate's definition of occupational therapy in English
"Occupational therapy is the art and science of facilitating participation in daily life, through occupation; the empowerment of people to perform occupations that promote health and well being; the promotion of a just and inclusive society so that everyone can participate to their full potential in the daily activities of life."
(Townsend & Polatajko, 2007)
(Townsend & Polatajko, 2007)
Definition date: May 2013
Education Programmes
WFOT Approved Programmes in Lebanon