
Working in Kuwait
General Information
Number of occupational therapists in Kuwait
In Kuwait , the term "occupational therapist" is also referred to as
Main language(s) spoken in Kuwait
Other languages commonly spoken in Kuwait
Occupational therapists are required to register with a federal/national organisation to practice
Not Required
Occupational therapists are required to register with a state/regional organisation to practice
It is compulsory to join the Kuwaiti Occupational Therapy Association in order to practice as an occupational therapist
Practicing Requirements
Graduation from a WFOT approved programme is required to register to practice
Language(s) that are required for occupational therapists to practice
Arabic, English
Employment Opportunities
Occupational therapy is recognised as a shortage occupation
Sources of information for occupational therapist employment opportunities
Ministry of Health
Immigration regulations or visa requirements to practice
Occupational Therapy Assistants
Occupational therapy assistants exist in Kuwait
Number of occupational therapy assistants in Kuwait
Disclaimer: This information was provided by Kuwaiti Occupational Therapy Association and was last updated on 19th August 2024. WFOT is not liable for any inaccuracies, omissions, or changes in the information provided. This information is intended as a guide and should be independently verified before making any decisions.
Definition of Occupational Therapy in Kuwait
Kuwaiti Occupational Therapy Association's definition of occupational therapy in own language
تخصص العلاج المهني من التخصصات الطبية المساندة. يهتم التخصص بعلاج وتأهيل المرضى من خلال المشاركة بالأنشطة العلاجية ذو هدف ومعني مما يؤدي الى استقلالية المرضى والعيش بحياة كريمة
Kuwaiti Occupational Therapy Association's definition of occupational therapy in English
Occupational therapy is a health care profession, that is concerned with the treatment and rehabilitation of patients through participation in therapeutic activities. Such therapeutic activities should have meaning and purpose for the patients thus leading to their independence and better quality of life.
Definition date: January 2023
Education Programmes
WFOT Approved Programmes in Kuwait