Working in Denmark
General Information
Number of occupational therapists in Denmark
In Denmark , the term "occupational therapist" is also referred to as
Main language(s) spoken in Denmark
Occupational therapists are required to register with a federal/national organisation to practice
Not Required
Occupational therapists are required to register with a state/regional organisation to practice
They have to have a authorisation.
https://stps.dk/sundhedsfaglig/autorisation/autorisationsregistret (External) ↗
https://stps.dk/sundhedsfaglig/autorisation/autorisationsregistret (External) ↗
It is compulsory to join the Danish Association of Occupational Therapists in order to practice as an occupational therapist
Practicing Requirements
Graduation from a WFOT approved programme is required to register to practice
Language(s) that are required for occupational therapists to practice
You must participate in Danish lessons and pass at a certain level, so that you can speak and write in Danish, understandable to colleagues and patients.
Additional requirements for occupational therapists to practice
You must have a Danish authorisation to practice as an OT
Employment Opportunities
Occupational therapy is recognised as a shortage occupation
There is no unemployment across the country, and in some regions it is difficult to hire enough occupational therapists
Sources of information for occupational therapist employment opportunities
“Ergoterapeuten” - http://www.etf.dk/ergoterapeuten (External) ↗
All municipalities and regions post all positions on their websites.
All municipalities and regions post all positions on their websites.
Immigration regulations or visa requirements to practice
Occupational Therapy Assistants
Occupational therapy assistants exist in Denmark
Disclaimer: This information was provided by Danish Association of Occupational Therapists and was last updated on 4th September 2024. WFOT is not liable for any inaccuracies, omissions, or changes in the information provided. This information is intended as a guide and should be independently verified before making any decisions.
Definition of Occupational Therapy in Denmark
Danish Association of Occupational Therapists's definition of occupational therapy in own language
Definition af ergoterapi som velfærdsydelse
Ergoterapi er at muliggøre aktivitet og deltagelse i hverdagslivet for det enkelte menneske og grupper af mennesker.
Ved hverdagslivets aktiviteter forstås gøremål, der for den enkelte er meningsfulde eller nødvendige, og som relaterer sig til dagligdagen, arbejds- og fritidsliv samt involvering i samfundslivet.
I ergoterapi anvendes meningsfulde aktiviteter som middel og mål til at fremme sundhed, forebygge og rehabilitere funktionsevnenedsættelser og aktivitetsbegrænsninger samt vurdere, genskabe og udvikle menneskets mulighed for deltagelse i hverdagslivet.
Definition af ergoterapi som profession
Ergoterapi er en profession i social- og sundhedsvæsenet, der praktiseres på baggrund af en professionsbachelorgrad og Sundhedsstyrelsens autorisation.
Ergoterapi udøves ud fra en forebyggende, habiliterende og rehabiliterende målsætning i samarbejde med målgrupper, der har aktivitetsproblemer i deres hverdag.
Ergoterapeuter anvender viden og metoder til at skabe sammenhæng mellem personer, deres aktiviteter og omgivelser, med henblik på at muliggøre aktivitetsudøvelse og deltagelse, fordi aktivitet og deltagelse fremmer sundhed og et godt liv.
Ergoterapi er at muliggøre aktivitet og deltagelse i hverdagslivet for det enkelte menneske og grupper af mennesker.
Ved hverdagslivets aktiviteter forstås gøremål, der for den enkelte er meningsfulde eller nødvendige, og som relaterer sig til dagligdagen, arbejds- og fritidsliv samt involvering i samfundslivet.
I ergoterapi anvendes meningsfulde aktiviteter som middel og mål til at fremme sundhed, forebygge og rehabilitere funktionsevnenedsættelser og aktivitetsbegrænsninger samt vurdere, genskabe og udvikle menneskets mulighed for deltagelse i hverdagslivet.
Definition af ergoterapi som profession
Ergoterapi er en profession i social- og sundhedsvæsenet, der praktiseres på baggrund af en professionsbachelorgrad og Sundhedsstyrelsens autorisation.
Ergoterapi udøves ud fra en forebyggende, habiliterende og rehabiliterende målsætning i samarbejde med målgrupper, der har aktivitetsproblemer i deres hverdag.
Ergoterapeuter anvender viden og metoder til at skabe sammenhæng mellem personer, deres aktiviteter og omgivelser, med henblik på at muliggøre aktivitetsudøvelse og deltagelse, fordi aktivitet og deltagelse fremmer sundhed og et godt liv.
Danish Association of Occupational Therapists's definition of occupational therapy in English
Definition of Occupational Therapy as a Social Welfare Service
Occupational therapy is a question of promoting activity and participation in everyday activities for individuals and groups of people. By ‘activities of everyday life’ is meant pursuits that are meaningful or necessary for the individual, related to daily life, work, leisure and general involvement in the life of society. In occupational therapy, meaningful activities are used both as a means and as an end to promote health, prevent and rehabilitate reduced functions ability and occupational limitations and to assess, re-establish and further develop people’s opportunities to participate in daily life.
Definition of Occupational Therapy as a Profession
Occupational therapy is a profession within the social and health service in Denmark, practised on a basis of a professional bachelor degree and authorisation by The Danish National Board of Health.
Occupational therapy is practised in the light of an objective related to prevention and rehabilitation in cooperation with target groups that experience occupational problems in their daily lives.
Occupational therapists apply specific knowledge and methods to create coherence between people, their activities and their environment, with a view to enabling occupational performance and participation, because these promote health and a good life.
Occupational therapy is a question of promoting activity and participation in everyday activities for individuals and groups of people. By ‘activities of everyday life’ is meant pursuits that are meaningful or necessary for the individual, related to daily life, work, leisure and general involvement in the life of society. In occupational therapy, meaningful activities are used both as a means and as an end to promote health, prevent and rehabilitate reduced functions ability and occupational limitations and to assess, re-establish and further develop people’s opportunities to participate in daily life.
Definition of Occupational Therapy as a Profession
Occupational therapy is a profession within the social and health service in Denmark, practised on a basis of a professional bachelor degree and authorisation by The Danish National Board of Health.
Occupational therapy is practised in the light of an objective related to prevention and rehabilitation in cooperation with target groups that experience occupational problems in their daily lives.
Occupational therapists apply specific knowledge and methods to create coherence between people, their activities and their environment, with a view to enabling occupational performance and participation, because these promote health and a good life.
Definition date: April 2017
Forskning - ergoterapeuten
A Danish practice-oriented research magazine, published to all members of the Danish Association of Occupational Therapists Sent to all directors in municipalities and regions
Magazine for members of Ergoterapeutforeningen
Education Programmes
WFOT Approved Programmes in Denmark