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Ergotherapie Belgium


Pierre Seeuws


Pierre Seeuws


Thomas Otte

Alternate 1

Thomas Otte


Working in Belgium

General Information

Number of occupational therapists in Belgium


In Belgium , the term "occupational therapist" is also referred to as

Ergotherapeut (Dutch and German), Ergothérapeute (French)

Main language(s) spoken in Belgium

Dutch, French, German


Occupational therapists are required to register with a federal/national organisation to practice

General information about working in Belgium: https://diplomatie.belgium.be/en/services/travel_to_belgium/working_in_belgium (External) ↗
https://www.belgium.be/en/work/coming_to_work_in_belgium/ (External) ↗ https://www.enic-naric.net/belgium.aspx#sec_57 (External) ↗
Belgium has a federal state structure and education belongs to the exclusive competences of the Communities. Therefore, in each Community there is a NARIC centre.

Occupational therapists are required to register with a state/regional organisation to practice

Belgium has a federal state structure and education belongs to the exclusive competences of the Communities. Therefore, in each Community there is a NARIC centre.
Recognition of a "non-EU certificate of qualification/diploma" to work in the:
Flemish Community: https://www.naricvlaanderen.be/en/naric-vlaanderen (External) ↗
French Community: http://www.enseignement.be/index.php?page=0&navi=2087 (External) ↗
German-speaking Community: http://www.ostbelgienbildung.be (External) ↗
NARIC also decides who can get a "visum" (= license to practice) for non-EU certificate of qualification/diploma...

It is compulsory to join the Ergotherapie Belgium in order to practice as an occupational therapist


Practicing Requirements

Graduation from a WFOT approved programme is required to register to practice


Language(s) that are required for occupational therapists to practice

Dutch (Flemish), French, German
Dutch in Dutch-speaking region: more information www.ergotherpie.be - French in French-speaking region: more information www.ergo-upe.be - In Brussels: Dutch and French - German is a small Eastern part of the country

Employment Opportunities

Occupational therapy is recognised as a shortage occupation


Sources of information for occupational therapist employment opportunities

Regional employment offices such as VDAB, Le FOREM, ACTIRIS, schools, websites of regional associations (www.ergo-upe.be in French and www.ergotherapie.be in Dutch)


Immigration regulations or visa requirements to practice

Occupational Therapy Assistants

Occupational therapy assistants exist in Belgium

Disclaimer: This information was provided by Ergotherapie Belgium and was last updated on 17th February 2025. WFOT is not liable for any inaccuracies, omissions, or changes in the information provided. This information is intended as a guide and should be independently verified before making any decisions.

Definition of Occupational Therapy in Belgium

Ergotherapie Belgium's definition of occupational therapy in own language

L’ergothérapeute est le paramédical qui accompagne les personnes présentant un dysfonctionnement physique, psychique et/ou social en vue de leur permettre d´acquérir, de recouvrer ou de conserver un fonctionnement optimal dans leur vie personnelle, leurs occupations professionnelles ou la sphère de leurs loisirs, par l’utilisation d’activités concrètes, s’y rapportant et tenant compte de leurs potentialités et des contraintes de leur environnement.

De ergotherapeut is de paramedicus die mensen met fysieke, psychische en/of sociale dysfuncties begeleidt met oog op het bevorderen, terugwinnen, en/of in stand houden van het zo zelfstandig mogelijk functioneren in hun persoonlijk leef-, werk- en ontspanningssituatie, via concrete activiteiten daaraan ontleend en rekening houdend met hun draagkracht en de draaglast vanuit hun omgeving.

Ergotherapie Belgium's definition of occupational therapy in English

The occupational therapist is the paramedical who assists patients suffering from a physical, psychic and/or social disability, in order to allow them to acquire, recover or maintain an optimum ability for performing functions required in their daily life, their professional occupations or their sphere of leisure, by using concrete related activities and taking into account the patients potentialities as well as the constraints of their environment.
Definition date: August 2009

Education Programmes

WFOT Approved Programmes in Belgium