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Ergotherapie Austria


Lisa Schober


Lisa Schober


Natasa Badstuber

Alternate 1

Natasa Badstuber


User Placeholder

Alternate 2

Melanie Kriegseisen-Peruzzi


Working in Austria

General Information

Number of occupational therapists in Austria


In Austria , the term "occupational therapist" is also referred to as


Main language(s) spoken in Austria


Other languages commonly spoken in Austria



Occupational therapists are required to register with a federal/national organisation to practice


Occupational therapists are required to register with a state/regional organisation to practice

Not Required

It is compulsory to join the Ergotherapie Austria in order to practice as an occupational therapist


Practicing Requirements

Graduation from a WFOT approved programme is required to register to practice


Language(s) that are required for occupational therapists to practice

German is mandatory. However, it is an advantage to also speak English, Turkish, Serbo-Croatian or a Slavic language.

Additional requirements for occupational therapists to practice

1. Completed training in Austria: Entry in the register of healthcare professionals required (the following documents must be presented: Criminal record certificate, photo ID, proof of citizenship, medical certificate, passport, signature, proof of qualification)
2. Training completed outside Austria: proof of language skills required, comparison of the training content of the training center and the Austrian requirements. If training content is missing, this must be made up at the university of applied sciences in Austria, or internships must still be completed

Employment Opportunities

Occupational therapy is recognised as a shortage occupation


Sources of information for occupational therapist employment opportunities

There is no Austria-wide platform for job vacancies. Vacancies are advertised on our website - https://www.ergotherapie.at/stellenmarkt (External) ↗ - and in our newsletter. They are also advertised at the AMS - https://www.ams.at/ (External) ↗ - in specialist journals, newspapers and on the websites of hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, etc.


Immigration regulations or visa requirements to practice

Occupational Therapy Assistants

Occupational therapy assistants exist in Austria

Disclaimer: This information was provided by Ergotherapie Austria and was last updated on 4th September 2024. WFOT is not liable for any inaccuracies, omissions, or changes in the information provided. This information is intended as a guide and should be independently verified before making any decisions.

Definition of Occupational Therapy in Austria

Ergotherapie Austria's definition of occupational therapy in own language

Die Ergotherapie – abgeleitet vom Griechischen „ergein“ (handeln, tätig sein) – geht davon aus, dass „tätig sein“ ein menschliches Grundbedürfnis ist und dass gezielt eingesetzte Tätigkeit gesundheitsfördernde und therapeutische Wirkung hat. Deshalb unterstützt und begleitet Ergotherapie Menschen jeden Alters, die in Ihrer Handlungsfähigkeit eingeschränkt oder von Einschränkung bedroht sind und/oder ihre Handlungsfähigkeit erweitern möchten.

Ziel der Ergotherapie ist es, die Teilhabe an bedeutungsvollen Betätigungen zu ermöglichen und damit Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden zu fördern.
Ergotherapeut*innen unterstützen Menschen aller Altersgruppen dabei, ihren gewünschten und notwendigen Betätigungen des täglichen Lebens nachzugehen, damit sie das tun können, was sie tun wollen, tun müssen oder was von ihnen erwartet wird..

In der Ergotherapie werden spezifische Aktivitäten, Umweltanpassungen und Beratung gezielt und ressourcenorientiert eingesetzt. Dies erlaubt dem Klienten, seine Handlungsfähigkeit im Alltag, seine gesellschaftliche Teilhabe (Partizipation) und seine Lebensqualität und- zufriedenheit zu verbessern.

Ergotherapie Austria's definition of occupational therapy in English

The German term for occupational therapy "Ergotherapie" is derived from the Greek "ergein" (to act, to be active). Occupational therapy is based on the assumption that "being active" is a basic human need and that purposeful activity has a health-promoting and therapeutic effect. Occupational therapy therefore supports and assists people of all ages who have, or are at risk of having, a reduced ability to participate in activities of daily living (ADL).
The aim of occupational therapy is to enable people to engage in meaningful activities, thereby promoting health and well-being.
Occupational therapists support people of all ages with their desired and necessary activities of daily living so that they can do what they want, need and/or are expected to do. Occupational therapy uses specific activities, environmental adaptations and advice in a goal- and resource-oriented way. This enables clients to improve their ability to engage in activities of daily living, their social participation and their quality of life.
Definition date: June 2023



Fachzeitschrift von Ergotherapie Austria

Type: Magazine
Languages: German
Frequency: Quarterly
More Information: Read More (External) ↗

Education Programmes

WFOT Approved Programmes in Austria